13. Scope
a. This section contains important general maintenance information which may be applied generally to the group or assemblies covered in the following sections.
b. It includes an allocation of the maintenance responsibilities of the third, fourth, and fifth echelons, and an explanation of the methods usually employed by each organization.
c. A serviceability chart (fig. 23), a rebuild flow chart (fig. 22) and an explanation of their use are also included.
d. For convenience and clarity, the main groups (fig. 21) of the rifle are covered in separate sections; equipment also is covered separately in section VIII.
14. General Maintenance
a. Place all parts and assemblies on a clean, flat surface, preferably of wood to avoid damaging parts. Also keep the parts for each gun together and separated from those of other guns.
Note: Although parts are interchangeable, they work best in their original combination.
b. If production line procedure is used, keep the barrel and receiver, the operating rod, and the bolt together. This can be accomplished by wiring the components to the barrel as they are removed. This reduces to a minimum the time required in fitting bolts and operating rods to the rifle, since in most cases those assembled in the rifle when it is returned for rebuild were fitted by the manufacturer.
c. Replace weak or broken springs and worn, damaged or broken parts before assembly.
d. When possible, assemble subassemblies before mounting them on the weapon. As a part of all assembly and mounting operations, clean and lubricate all sliding surfaces and threads to assure free movement.
e. Remove all burrs with a fine file or by stoning and polishing with crocus cloth. Take care to file or stone evenly and lightly and not to remove any more metal than is necessary so as not to change to tolerance or contour of the surfaces so treated.
f. Remove burrs, rough protrusions, or scorings of wood surfaces with a fine, flat file or fine abrasive paper. Always file towards an edge so as not to pick up slivers or chips. Smooth off with fine sandpaper where necessary, and oil with raw linseed oil.
15. Allocation of Maintenance Responsibilities
a. GENERAL. Maintenance and repair of materiel covered in this manual consist primarily of replacement of worn or broken parts. Most of the operations described and illustrated in the following sections, therefore, may be performed by third, fourth, or fifth echelons of maintenance.
b. THIRD AND FOURTH ECHELON MAINTENANCE RESPONSIBILITIES. In the third and fourth echelons, maintenance operations are performed with only the limited tool facilities afforded by repair trucks, semipermanent shops at posts and camps, or an armorer when making a regular inspection. They are of the "first-aid" nature, consisting of replacement of worn or damaged parts or assemblies with serviceable parts or assemblies. Third and fourth echelon personnel normally process materiel for use in the hands of troops and materiel to accompany troops overseas. (See fig. 23)
c. FIFTH ECHELON MAINTENANCE RESPONSIBILITIES. In the fifth echelon establishments, maintenance operations are usually performed by production line methods. They consist of a complete rebuild of parts and assemblies, including rebarreling and patching of stocks, in addition to the operations which may be performed by third and fourth echelon personnel. Fifth echelon base shops process materiel to be placed in a storage for reissue (See fig. 23)
16. Rebuild Flow Chart (fig. 22)
a. The rebuild flow chart represents the various steps necessary in rebuild of U.S. rifles, cal. .30, M1, M1C (sniper's), and M1D (sniper's). Fundamentally, rebuild of the rifles is divided into six stages: Degreasing, disassembly, refinishing, assembly, final inspection, and packaging.
b. The disassembly personnel perform visual inspection of all components as they are removed to insure that unserviceable, irreparable components are dropped from the flow of parts as soon as they are removed. The gage inspection section checks the dimensions by the use of field service gages and spot-checks components passed by visual inspection and those rejected by visual inspection, thereby acting as a control over the previous inspectors. The section handling wooden components inspects and determines that the components have not been damaged to an extent that will affect the structural strength. This section makes any minor repairs necessary and refinishes and reoils the wooden components when necessary.
c. The parts sections keeps a record of parts on hand and fills the needs of assembly personnel by transporting required parts from the parts bins to the individual assemblers. Sections have been provided in the flow chart to cover the assembly of certain components and furnish them to the rifle assemblers assembled and ready to use. Examples are stock assembly, trigger group, bolt group, etc. The tools and fixtures required for assembling the rifle have been previously covered in section III. If the shop is of sufficient size to have more than one man performing the same operation, those performing duplicate operations should mark their work, so that it can be identified and corrective action taken if it is found to be below standard.
d. After the rifle has been assembled, it is given a shop inspection, which determines the quality of workmanship, and in a brief check of the components affecting its functioning. Shop inspectors must locate and report to the shop officer any incorrect practices being used by shop personnel so that proper standards of rebuild are followed. The weapons are then function fired and any minor repairs which are necessary are then performed. The weapon is cleaned after function firing and thereafter on three successive days, using an approved method of cleaning. The cleaning is followed by a detailed inspection to determine positively whether the weapons meet required standards. The rifles are then packed in accordance with specified instructions.
17. Serviceability Chart (fig. 23)
a. The serviceability chart is a tabulation of the special requirements and serviceability standards for weapons in the hands of troops, to accompany troops overseas, or to be placed in storage for reissue.
b. By referring the serviceability chart, the inspector may readily determine the serviceability of a weapon in accordance with its future disposition.
18. Care and Cleaning.
a. To prevent corrosion, reoil disassembled materiel immediately following cleaning, and again prior to reassembly. Carefully clean corrosion preventives from materiel received from storage (refer to TM 9-850).
b. Instructions for cleaning and lubricating the rifle by using are explained in FM 23-5. General instructions for care, preservation, and lubrication are covered in TB 9-2835-9. Cleaning and lubrication materials are listed in SNL K1 and their use explained in TM 9-850.
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