How-To Guides for the M1 Garand

TM 9-1275 - (JUNE 1947) War
Department Technical Manual - Ordnance Maintenance U.S. Rifles,
Cal. .30, M1, M1C (Sniper's), and M1D (Sniper's).
FM 23-5 - (MAY 1965) U.S. Army Field Manual
for the U.S. Rifle, Cal. .30, M1
How to adjust the Model 1907
The use of the Model 1907 Sling. By Walt Kuleck.
How to install and zero the M-15 Grenade
Launcher Sight
Detailed photo of Grenade Launcher Sight
Exploded diagram of the M1 Garand (large
What to look
for in an M1 Garand - by Robert Gibson. The article is
located at the rec.guns
web site. This information is covered in FM 23-5
and TM9-1275 but not in such a concise all-in-one-page
From the Fulton Armory FAQ:
- M1 Garand Spare Parts Kit Recommendations
- The Infamous Throat Erosion Gauge: What it is, how to use it, what it means!<
- The Use of the Model of 1907 Sling
- How to attach the Model of 1907 Sling to the Rifle
- What's better in an M1 Garand: .308 Winchester or .30-'06?
- --What ammo do you recommend for 7.62/.308 cal. M1s & M14/M1As and .30-'06 M1s?
- Will That Old Cal..30 Military Ammo Ruin Your Rifle?
- Can I build my own M1 Garand from a receiver and a parts kit?
- Targeting the M1 Garand rifle
- How do I sight-in my M1A/M14-type rifle?
- What's headspace???
- The Truth about Welded Receivers! Updated!
- Why you want a two-stage trigger!
- On the M1D and M84, with Update
- How to make your own two-round clips
- Our New Service Rifle (1938)
- New Graphics: How should I refinish my M1 stock?
- --On M1/M1A/M14 Trigger Guards and Clamping
- National Match Rear Sights--what you need to know!
- New graphic, newly expanded! Slam Fires, Mags & SLEDs; Clint speaks out!
- Slam Fire: a Parable
- --What's a SLED? How do you use it?
- --On Barrels
- More on Barrels: Kreiger vs. Others
- M1 Gas Cylinders: Should I tighten the Gas Cylinder Lock Screw with a Breaker Bar?
- M1 Garand Gas Cylinder Finishes
- The History of M1 Garand Bayonets by Robert Gibson
- Everything you wanted to know about M1 Garand operating rods but were afraid to ask!
- --What's the National Match (NM) Trigger Modification?
- --I was wanting to know if there are any conversion kits or gunsmiths that can modify this rifle to accept M-14 mags?
- Robert Gibson on IHC M1s
- --What's "8620" Steel?
Resource materials for the M1 Garand.- Where to get the best in books, Field Manuals, Technical Manuals
and other how-to periodicals for your M1. Lots of very informative publications available both on the web and thru mail order.
Firearms services.- U.S. and foreign military gun parts, accessories, ammunition and firearms services
- everything one would need for the military firearms shooter and collectors.
The Civilian Marksmanship Program (CMP) - (Formerly DCM) The law authorizes the Corporation to continue to sell M1 Garand rifles and gives further authority to sell any surplus caliber .30 (excluding the M14 rifle) as well as caliber .22 rimfire rifles. These sales may be to individuals or clubs and associations which are affiliated with the CMP. The Corporation is also authorized to sell surplus caliber .30 and caliber .22 rimfire ammunition to qualified individuals and affiliated organizations. Additionally, the Corporation may sell repair parts for all surplus caliber .30 rifles and caliber .22 rimfire rifles.
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Last updated: February, 1999